Wednesday 20 January 2016

2016 • My goals & resolutions for the year

So, my plan was to put together a sort of series of new year posts, but since it's nearly the end of January already (where did the time go?) that's possibly not going to happen but I'll try my best to get as many done as I can, even if they'll be a little outdated now!

Before I start this post, I have some exciting but scary news: I've now left my day job. Although it was only part time, working there alongside doing my degree (where I'm usually in Uni a good 28 hours a week) was completely draining me, both mentally and physically. I haven't photographed any conceptual pieces since September, and haven't even taken any portraits since November. Also, my blog posts have obviously become very sporadic. Creating art has always been an escape of mine, and has always managed to calm my nerves and lessen my anxiety. Obviously because of all this, my mental state has been shocking for the past few months and my anxiety is through the roof. Although it's going to be a bit scary in terms of money, I knew that quitting my job was the right thing to do to ensure I have time to take photos, blog, and even just to ensure I actually get a day off at least once a week.

So anyway, hopefully I'll now be a lot more active on here again! 
This post is mostly just to record my plans and aims for the year - I don't tend to make resolutions as, to be honest, I just never stick to them, so I'm going to write down a few goals that I'd like to at least try to achieve over 2016. 

1. Travel 
Travelling is always something on my wishlist, and I know for sure that it'll happen at least a bit this year! In April I'm heading to Iceland for just under 2 weeks, and have recently booked a short trip to Prague for September. These are two of my must visit places, so I'm so excited that I get to explore them both this year! I was also hoping to try and get out to Berlin or Amsterdam at some point in the year, but we'll see how that goes!

2. Shoot more film 

The other day I dusted off my old 35mm Pentax P50, and remembered how much I used to love using it whilst doing my photography degree. This week I'm going out and buying a tonne of film, in preparation to carry it around with me on every trip out and all my travelling adventures. 

3. Start (and hopefully finish) my dissertation 
This September I'm going into my third year at Uni (again - where on earth has the time gone?) and so, of course, will be handing in my 8000 word dissertation in April 2017. Since I've already got my question planned and started to buy books, I'm definitely planning on getting ahead of the game. 

4. Read at least 50 new books
Of course, a new year means a new challenge on Goodreads! My 2015 challenge was initially 40 books - I ended up reading 52, so this year I'm starting with a goal of 50 and hoping to get to 60 or over. 

5. Find a house 
This is the slightly scarier one for the year! Jordan and I are due to move out of where we're currently living over summer, so need to start looking for somewhere to actually move to. Since neither of us currently have permanent jobs, this is going to be a challenge, but hopefully we're going to find a way and end up in our perfect first house! 

That's about it for now! Since most of these are necessities, hopefully I'll actually find the determination to stick to them this year ;)

I'm planning to hopefully get a (very late) what I got for Christmas post up, as well as a post with some gems I picked up in the January sales. Watch this space!

Tuesday 5 January 2016

Happy New Year! • 2016 Book Releases on my Wishlist

Happy New Year everyone!
I realise that I've been absolutely shocking at posting for a while now (2 months since my last post? Seriously?!) and I honestly have no excuse apart from being overworked, and then being lazy on my few days off over the past couple of months. However, I'm trying my best to get back on track with both my photography and blogging now that I've finally finished my 14,000 words worth of essays for last semester (well, almost finished... I'm supposed to be writing my last essay right now but I'd much rather write this post!).

I'm planning on doing a couple of typical Christmas/new year related posts, but as I can't photograph the things I need to for those right now, I thought I'd do something that I know I'm certainly interested in - a book post!

There are so many books coming out in 2016 (or rumoured to be) that I'm so excited for, so here's a little sneak peek into what I'll be rushing to Waterstones to buy as soon as it hits the shelves throughout this year :) All books are in chronological order and have the UK release dates next to them if they've been announced as of yet! 

Victoria Aveyard - Glass Sword (9th February 2016) 

The first in this series, Red Queen, was a book I'd been meaning to read for a long time - one of those that was just sat on my 'to-read' shelf on Goodreads. When I finally got hold of a copy, it was far better than I'd previously expected it to be. This series is a great bit of dystopian style fantasy!

Cassandra Clare - Lady Midnight (8th March 2016) 

So I know The Mortal Instruments series could be kind of cheesy at times, and we don't even like to mention the film adaptation... but frankly, I LOVE the Shadowhunter world and everything about it. TMI really rekindled my love of all things teenage fantasy-esque, and it was one of those series's where I would buy the next book the second it was out and read it the exact same day. In a way, I loved The Infernal Devices series even more than TMI - I think with it being set in England I was able to connect with the background of the books a bit more, and it was such a beautiful trilogy. I can't wait to see what Cassie gives us in The Dark Artifices series! 

Sarah J. Maas - A Court of Mist and Fury (3rd May 2016)

I'm not even sure what I can say about this book besides IT COMES OUT IN FOUR MONTHS AND I CANNOT WAIT. A Court of Thorns and Roses was everything I expected it to be and more, and I can't wait to read the second book about Feyre. Sarah J. Maas is fast becoming one of my favourite authors so I'm beyond excited that this year I have two new books from her to look forward to! 

Mary E. Pearson - The Beauty of Darkness (2nd August 2016)

The first two books in this trilogy, The Kiss of Deception and The Heart of Betrayal, were honestly books that I just picked up when I was in need of something new. They're definitely not my favourite but were still a light but enjoyable and exciting read and I'm definitely planning on reading the final instalment of the series. 

Erika Johansen - The Fate of the Tearling (29th November 2016)

The Tearling books are another series I read on a whim, but took a lot of great twists that have made me really excited to read this final book in the trilogy! This is one of those series's where you don't know whether to love or hate the villain because they're just that amazing a character. Definitely recommend these books for fantasy lovers!

George R. R. Martin - The Winds of Winter

I know I'm a bit over optimistic for even putting this on my 2016 releases list but... IT HAS A COVER. I regularly do the checks on The Winds of Winter on Goodreads to see if there's any updates, and today when I clicked on it and saw that the little brown square finally had a real cover on it, I honestly almost screamed. Like so many other people, I have been waiting for this book for so long and it will make my year if it does actually end up being a 2016 release! I know GRRM has said it won't be released before the next Game of Thrones series starts, but hey, there's still a lot of time left in 2016 after April, so I can still hope ;)

Sarah J. Maas - Throne of Glass #5

Unfortunately one of my most anticipated books for the year not only doesn't have a cover, it doesn't have a title yet either! However, I know whatever Sarah J. Maas brings out, there's almost no chance that I won't enjoy it. I've been hooked on the Throne of Glass series since I read the first book, and although I don't want it to end, the release of the second to last book in the series couldn't come fast enough for me! I HAVE to know what happens next!

Catherynne M. Valente - Matryoshka 

This is probably another of my most looked forward to books this year, and again it doesn't have an official cover or release date and only has an in the works title! Matryoshka is the companion novel to Deathless, which was amongst the best books that I read last year. I don't know much about it as of yet but I can't wait to get my hands on a copy! 

Hopefully I'll find some more great books as the year goes by! If anyone has any recommendations, let me know :)