Sunday 30 April 2017


So, it's 2017 and once again I've been neglecting this blog for my 1000 other ongoing projects.

Every time I click on this blog, I've disassociated myself with the name, the layout, even the style of my posts, which is partly why I've been reluctant to post anything over the past few months. I'm currently finishing up my very last essay of my degree (!!!) which I'm so relieved about for a few reasons - mainly being that I cannot wait to have it over and done with, and I'll actually have a bit more free time. Anyway, I thought that the best thing to do to help start up this blog again was to give it yet another revamp. I've gone through a good four or five different names for this blog over the past two years or so after getting fed up with whatever it was called before. My most recent name was Fight and Flight, as the main things I was posting were long write ups related to my anxiety or to other mental health issues, or long photo diaries of my travels. I think overall I found that name a bit too aggressive, and although I'm not what I'd describe as a whimsical person, I wanted to give my blog a name that was just that - light, easy on the tongue (or eyes), and relevant to what I post but with a little hint of magic. So, on that note, I'm giving 'bookishwander' a go. Lets see how long it lasts!

I have a lot of plans for posts over the next week once I've handed in these last couple of essays (mainly related to my trip to Iceland last week) so keep an eye out for some photos from the real life land of ice and fire. 

Becky x