Saturday 20 September 2014


It seems I've actually stuck to posting sooner again! Yay! 
Last week I visited Meg (Meg Hartley photography) for our usual sort of day out - a catch up then a trek through the countryside for photos! I thought I'd blog a few of my favourites from the day. 

Autumn's definitely my favourite season and we could really see it starting to appear everywhere when we took a walk through the forest in the beautiful little village Meg calls home.

last of the greenery 

and the first signs of autumn!

Meg in her natural habitat

and finally my 'main' photo from the day, which Meg modelled for overlooking the hills… (view high quality HERE)

"Wanderers"; Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.

So that's it for todays post, hope you enjoyed the little slice of autumn and the last of summer that we found as much as we did! I already have my next post planned and being prepared so keep an eye out ;) 

Becky x

Tuesday 16 September 2014

a new adventure

So I probably should've uploaded sooner than this since I've not posted since January, but I figured better late than never!
For those of you who don't know, I got married in July so am now technically Rebecca Bentliff! I'm planning on blogging the official photos from the day at some point (all taken by Rosie Hardy) but for now I thought I'd just put up some snapshots of our honeymoon to Northern Ireland! 

Flying over the Isle of Man

St Annes Cathedral

beach day!

first married selfie?

would you believe this is in the UK and not some tropical island?!

 Partway through our week there we decided to go on a mini tour of some of the nearby locations used when filming Game of Thrones!

Ballintoy Harbour (aka the Iron Islands)

Giants Causeway (obviously not actually a location used but a must see all the same!)
 we then visited a place that's been on my must visit list for years now… 

The Dark Hedges!

Obviously I would've loved to shoot something conceptual there, but couldn't considering the lighting at the time and the fact it was packed full of tourists (yes, I probably did spend a long time editing people out of these shots..) 

my far too over excited face
Of course, we also had to take a tour around some of the sights in Belfast..

Stormont Parliament Buildings (Jordan liked his pose)

one of the peace murals on Falls Road

Flying back home over Liverpool

Manchester from above

Hopefully I'm slowly getting better at this photo blogging thing, and I promise I'll post sooner this time! 

Becky x