Saturday 17 January 2015


So it seems my first more blog like and less photo filled blogpost will be my (late) new years resolutions! I don't usually bother with them but I've decided to note down my general goals for the next year just for a bit of fun. Here we go!

my 2015 resolutions/aims:

1. To explore more of my home country.
So I'm sure most of you know that the UK isn't the biggest country in the world, yet despite living here for 21 years, 6 months and about 29 days, I only actually started to visit lots of different places throughout England over the past few years, and only went to Northern Ireland last year (plus I've not even started on Scotland yet!) The past couple of years have allowed me to travel to a lot of new places around the country for photography jobs, and I'm looking forward to being able to do that more this year. I already visited York for the first time last week, a city I've been meaning to explore for ages - so that's a good start to this aim! 
my UK travel map so far!

2. To explore more of the world in general!
This one's pretty self explanatory and I'm already planning on achieving it this year! In March I'm going to Albania for 10 days to work with children there, so that'll be a new country to add to my list plus my first missions trip :)

3. To shoot more personal work.
I say this every year, but this year will be the year it happens! (I also say that every year…)

4. To shoot with more new people.
email if you're interested! :D

5. Read 40 new books.
I told goodreads I'd do it so I suppose I better had now… I'm already 3 books in though ;)

6. To blog more!
Again, I say this all the time, and I actually have a backlog of photo selections from various trips and days out that I want to blog. Hopefully I'll get round to posting them all some day!

7. Start shooting on film again.
That is, once I actually remember to buy some more 35mm when I next see it in a shop… and some polaroid film… and probably various other film-related things…

apparently this is the only film photo of mine I have on my laptop so here we are…

Anyway, what was originally going to be a short fun list for myself is fast turning into a much longer list, so we'll leave it there :) Lets see how many of these I manage!

Becky x

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