So in June, I turned 22.
I know that doesn't sound like the biggest deal, but coming up to my birthday I was very aware that 22 just sounded (to me) like it was a lot older than 21. I don't know, it just seemed like once I hit 22 I'd actually be more of a real-real adult and have to maybe start doing more adult like things.
Anyway, the point of this is, there's still a lot of things I want to do in the next few years, so I wrote up this list of everything I want to do in the next 5 years, before I'm 27. I'm going to try my best to get all of these things done - if I start finishing them too soon I might add to it a bit, but if I can't manage to do one for money reasons or anything like that, I'm not going to make a big deal of it; this is just a list of aspirations. I'll be posting progress blogs keeping you all updated on how I'm doing!
So, here's the list (in no particular order):
1. Buy our first house
Yes, I know I said proper adult things were something I was trying to avoid, but after living like a hermit for the past year and hopping between Manchester and Doncaster, this is definitely high on my wish list.
2. Visit five new countries
Anywhere but Italy, Greece, Canada, Albania - and of course, the UK - will count towards this! Next year i'm hoping to go to Iceland (!!!!!!!!).
3. Have kids
(Technically I completed this one a couple of weeks ago when I was in Rhodes, I'd just not got around to posting this list at that point. I'll be uploading the photo on here soon!)
5. Get to my ideal weight {in progress}
6. Learn Italian - at least semi fluently
I've never been one for picking up languages (except Ancient Greek, of course), so we'll see if this one actually works out...
7. Go to at least one new continent
(Anywhere but Europe or North America)
8. See a wonder of the world
Apparently I've already seen one (the CN tower in Toronto) but never knew it was one until now!
9. Learn to drive
10. Read 200 new books {in progress}
I've probably already read 30 new books since I originally wrote this list, but hey - you can never read too many books, right?
11. Make a dress from scratch
12. Visit every "major" city in the UK {in progress}
Only cities I've not already visited will count towards this, I'll make a separate blog post with a list at some point.
13. Upcycle one large piece of furniture
I am literally SO excited to go furniture shopping for our future house. Probably a bit too excited.
14. Learn how to make jewellery
This is something I've always wanted to have a go at but I've never got around to finding the time/getting the equipment I need/learning it in general. I'd really love to even just make a couple of pieces, just to say I've tried.
15. Start working a full time job that I enjoy
16. Photograph someone famous (or photograph something for someone famous)
17. Learn how to play a musical instrument
Again, I've never had a knack for this. I had piano lessons for about 5 years when I was younger but since my tutor never bothered to teach me how to read music, they weren't much use. At least this time I have a free tutor who's nearly always around in the form of my husband to teach me how to play guitar!
18. Get a photo on a book cover
19. Start regularly supporting a charity
20. Start growing my own food
I couldn't keep a tiny cactus alive for longer than a few months, but hopefully this will go well.
21. Update my blog frequently for at least six months {in progress}
With my track record on saying I'll do something with my blog and then not doing it, it looks like this'll be the hardest so far...
22. Get my thigh tattoo
I first planned to get this tattoo - a crescent moon design - when I was 17, and ever since have adjusted it, added to it and changed where I want it on my body. Now that I've finally perfected it I'm determined to get it done ASAP!
23. Stop growing my hair
Yep, this sounds like an odd one, but those of you who know me will know I've not had my hair cut (apart from split ends) for 6 years now - not since I cut my hair to almost chin length in 2009 and immediately regretted it. So what I mean by this is that I'd like my hair to get to a length that I'm happy with before it gets so heavy that I can't walk anymore! At the moment it's just past my waist when straight.
24. Go travelling around Europe
This has been one of my must do things for a while now. I've already actually made about five different plans of places to visit, the order to visit them in and travel time (yeah, I do like to over plan. A lot.) The current plan is something along the lines of Vienna - Prague - Berlin - Copenhagen - Amsterdam - Paris... I think...
25. Buy a new lens
I've been meaning to get my hands on a more zoomed lens than my 50mm for ages, I just can't decide which I want and never have the spare cash. So until I do, I'll just have to read hundreds of comparison reviews on the 85mm and 135mm I suppose.
26. Go to a festival
I've been dying to go to Download festival since I was about 14. That year I think MCR and Linkin Park were headlining, and basically all of my other favourite bands at the time were playing too. I'm determined to go to Download (or maybe at least Leeds or something) at some point, just for the sake of my little 14 year old self if nothing else!
27. Be happy
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