Sunday 16 August 2015

The British Tag


So I thought that since I just sort of jumped straight into blogging without any big introductions, about me's etc, that I'd do a question tag. I didn't just want the usual "what's your favourite colour" etc nonsense, so the first set of questions I found that really jumped out at me as being a bit different was the British tag! I thought it'd be a good starting point, at least :) 
So here we go:

1. How many cups of tea do you have a day? And how many sugars?
I'm actually an awful British person in this aspect - I'm sorry. I just don't like tea...

2. Favourite part of your roast dinner?
When it ends. 
Seriously, how am I British? I think when it comes to food my Italian side comes through a lot more, as I'd much rather have a huge bowl of cheesy, tomatoey pasta than a roast any day. 

3. Favourite dunking biscuit?
When I was little I used to LOVE dunking malted milks (or as I called them back then, moo cow biscuits) in my Mums tea! (photo below to explain my amazingly imaginative name)

4. Favourite quintessentially British pastime?

Oohhh, now's my time to shine on the British front!
I love going for walks in the hills (providing I can take photos on the way and discover some amazing new places), going out for afternoon tea (aka. scones with jam and clotted cream) and complaining :)

however, before you overestimate my britishness, do bear in mind that this is my idea of a quaint walk in the countryside
5. Favourite word?
I'll be honest, probably something rude... 

6. Cockney rhyme slang?
I'm from Manchester! All I know is apples and pears?

7. Favourite sweet/chocolate?
haribo tangfastics, sour patch kids or anything else sour really! I'm much more into sweets but my favourite chocolate would have to be galaxy or good old dairy milk

8. What would your pub be called?
After working in a Wetherspoons for 3 years, I can safely say I'd never even hypothetically think about owning a pub

9. No.1 British person?
Me. duh. 

10. Favourite shop / restaurant
I'm sorry but for clothes it has to be Primark! I also love New Look & Topshop. For online shops, my favourites are Lindy Bop, Motel Rocks Misguided & Dixi. My favourite restaurants are again, very un-British (and also completely high-end student rather than posh places): Frankie & Bennies and Chiquitos! 
ignoring my odd husband, how perfect are these meals though?! 
11. What British song pops into your head?
hmm... the national anthem? haha

12. Marmite?
No thanks!

So, there's my Britishness (or lack of) summed up! If anyone else dislikes both tea and roast dinners, do let me know so I can feel a bit less alone on that front ;) 

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